Untitled Strip Painting, (JAWS)
Oil on Linen on Board
7 5/8 x 10 1/2”
How to Shoot at One Who Outdrew You;
Matthew Satz: Work 1997-2005 pp. 61
Untitled Strip Painting, 8.24.20
Oil on Canvas on Board
12 1/2 x 9 3/16”
Untitled Strip Painting, 8.24.20 represents a late example and an anomaly of sorts for the Strip Painting series. In these works, aimed to challenge and combine the influences of the Ab-Ex pourers, and stripers throughout the history of painting, the ground is manipulated to create specific placement of lines as gravity pulls paint down the face of the canvas. This work presents a distinctive palette and pour in regards to earlier Strip Paintings, imbuing and musing of Art Nouveau’s earliest influence upon the artist. In the evolution of Satz’s works, the Strip Paintings hold a significant space and lead to the Strip-Edge Paintings which in turn arrive at the Strand Pieces, where the traditional format of painting advances to theoretically and physically challenge the realm sculpture.